1/144 Jolly Rogers Airfield Diorama

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Small update:

The crashed Zero (along with a mostly unscathed Tony) have been added into the display along with the Jeep.
I'm going to update / modify the backdrop mural a little bit, before sending it out to a printer.

(Note: These shots were taken on my Dad's new phone and appear to have been scale down)

And lastly, here a few shots of the overall display. Still a ways to go. Most of the artifacts have just been placed in the case without any rhyme or reason.
We also need to locate the shorter glass shelves for the diorama case, so we can create a level shelf above it, instead of two uneven shelfs.

We put the extra Jeeps and Bikes into the diorama tonight, along with the first print version of the backdrop mural!

The backdrop mural is just temporarily placed in with magnets. It was intentionally made longer since it was originally to be cut in the middle and glued to the two backing doors. But we think it may look better this way since the metal brackets are behind the print. We still need to trim it, but its not bad for a first print version. The thing is, you just never know what it's going to look like until you place in place. Now looking at it, I'd adjust more than a few things. But I'm happy with it for now.

The only other thing that we'll probably do with the diorama at this time will be to change or add more aircraft. We have a couple of B-24s planned, and maybe some P-38s instead of Corsairs. (I have plans for the Corsairs for another Diorama).

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