Why would they dogfight them? WW1 planes 120mph, no armor, no self sealing tanks, .30 cal. guns. And with 100 of them there'd be no room for dogfights. They could just strafe them. Or let them run out of fuel, WW1 aircraft had very short endurances compared to WW2 aircraft.
There is a video on youtube somewhere showing a Spitfire flying in formation with a Sopwith Pup (IIRC). The Pup was flat out, and the Spitfire was just above minimum (stalling) speed....
There are near equivalents in WWII. Look at what happened to the RAs Cr32s verus the RAFs few Hurricanes over malta. They did not do well. Conversely, the CR 42 did quite well.
And CR32s were vastly superior to their WWI cousins.
This is a silly subject, Sorry I just dont get it to be honest