100 gallon drop tanks for 1/48 Mossie

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
Anyone know where I can get a set for the 1/48 Mosquito I will be starting. The only ones I can find are the wrong scale. The kit is the Tamiya FB Mk.VI/NF MkII.


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I saw some in the three main sizes in 1/48th scale recently - can't remember who, what, where etc, but I'll see what I can find out. They might have been advertised in a magazine from a year or two back.
That's one of the sets I saw - I remember now, as I saw then when looking for a Ultracast prop for the P-47. The other sizes I think were made by CMK, but I can't find them now, so maybe out of production.

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