416th Night Fighter Sqn Beaufighters

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Tiny Fireburn

Aug 30, 2016
Can anyone out there help me with a couple of hi-res images of 416th NFS Beaufighters to illustrate a book on USAAF Mosquitoes. If so, please contact me.
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I know. But perhaps the poster is not aware of 1 or 2 in the eBay mosquito listings as they are not published. And he mentions a book about those star wearing mossies. So perhaps of intrest to him.
Can anyone out there help me with a couple of hi-res images of 416th NFS Beaufighters to illustrate a book on USAAF Mosquitoes. If so, please contact me.
I work with the 417th NFS history and on our website, www.417th-nightfighters.com there is a nice photo in the Beau Gallery of the 416th NFS Fluffy, KV912.
Lots of good stuff on the 417th NFS here, and the two squadrons shared a lot during the war.
Check it out!

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