Now, just to add more powder to the charge, consider the US M9 37mm cannon. This was used on late model P-63. It differed from the M4/M10 37mm in that it was a completely different design, being developed from the US Army 37mm AA gun. While it had the same low rate of fire as the M4, it fired a 10% larger shell at 2800 ft/s. The down side was it was really heavy. With that big shell at that high muzzle velocity heavy bombers could be attacked outside the range of defensive fire with a one round kill weapon.
Good thing B-17s, B-24s, and Lancasters didn't have to deal with that!
They only had to deal with 20mm, 30mm, 37mm (used in Bf 110 and Ju 88 for attacking bombers BK 3,7 - Wikipedia), 50mm (in limited use Rheinmetall BK-5 - Wikipedia), rockets, flak and bombs!