80th FS, 8th FG squadron code

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Mar 12, 2020
After flying in the ETO throughout the war my uncle flew Mustangs for a couple of years in occupied Japan, stationed at Itazuke and Ashiya. He was in the 80th Fighter Squadron, 8th Fighter Group (the "Headhunters"). I'm trying to track down the squadron code (the two letters or letter/number on the side of the plane in front of the national insignia) that his planes would have shown. Have nearly exhausted my google ability on this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Go to 80fsheadhunters.org.
Squadron code on 80th FS Mustangs 1949-50 is
FF-_ _ _ (three number sequence).
They have a great photo archive.
FF was not a squadron code.

By Korea USAF aircraft wore Buzz Numbers. Two letters designated the aircraft type. FF for F-51. That was followed by 3 digits generally being the "last three" of the serial number. System is explained here:-

Squadron markings would be some arrangement of coloured bands on fin and wing tips.

In WW2 the USAAF only used 2 character alpha/numeric squadron codes in North West Europe and the Mediterranean.
I don't think they had codes, just numbers or letters on the nose and I've only found P-38s

Mostly letters that could be applied both on the P-38 noses and fins or on the front of the engine cowling. Also it seems the letters were used with the P-39s as well.

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