True enough, but if you've just allowed one of Chairman Mao's precious airplanes to be destroyed and didn't go down with your ship, your courage (and your political reliability) are suspect, your nine lives are all expended, and you almost certainly have an appointment with a firing squad. Might as well go down swinging! Failure in combat is a crime against the people, a crime against the state, and a crime against your comrades.Punching political officers (probably the same one as the intelligence officer) in the nose is probably a good idea, but also likely to be a career (or life) limiting move. Any fighter pilot should know that a swept-wing jet will not be able to hang with a straight-wing prop, regardless of what the intelligence officer is or isn't saying. Trying to hang with a Gladiator in a FW190 would be a similar error in judgement.
As for straight wing vs swept wing, the Skyraider is a nastier customer than most due to its ability to slow down abruptly then re-accelerate quickly, and its agility at all speeds. Plus, those 20MMs can do a lot of damage.
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