A-20B fuel vs weapons

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Nov 2, 2014

I am trying to understand the A-20 fuel system to know what military loads it can take with diverse fuel quantities:

Wings: 394 to 400 US Gallons.

Bomb bay: 2x70 US Gallons self sealing : it is unclear if it needs both of if half can be fuel and half can be bombs.

Bomb bay II: 4x? not self sealing but i only have 676 US Gallons total value, don't know if this total value includes the wings 400 gallons which would mean 276 US gallons (4x69 US Gal)

Belly Fuel container: 324 US Gallons, unclear if they can use it with other bomb bay fuel, i suppose it preculdes the use of bomb bay for bombs.

Any idea?
Boston IV manual has 400 USG as wing tanks, 325 USG in three protected tanks above the bomb bay and a drop tank with 375 USG.
AFAIR the A-20 B/C received some later upgrades which included both tank options.
Manual mentions the opening of bomb bay doors was only possible after dropping the tank.
It appears is completely different than what A-20G manual says. In A-20 G seems all extra fuel tanks appear to occupy the bomb bay, in Boston IV it seems that none of extra fuel tanks does.

Also we have a 324 US Gal belly tank in A-20G and a 375 US gal in Boston IV.

All seems strange.
I have made some further research and it seems that most bomb bay fuel tanks don't affect internal bombs since A-20G had only 4 stores in bomb bay for 4 bombs and not more. The tanks are above this except an options for 4 big not self sealing tanks.

But it would affect the A-20A that had much more options concerning bomb load. This is unclear for A-20B.

There is conflicting info concerning the external ferry tank. Some imply that it could take bombs after dropping the tank, other sources say it does not.

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