A-26 Restoration Reference

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A-26 '555

Jul 21, 2023
Hello all,
I am restoring A-26B 44-34555, which flew with the 319th BG, 437th BS, Okinawa 1945. Tail number 08.

I am looking for ANY and all photos of 319th aircraft in an effort to get as many details correct as possible. There is supposedly a photograph of this ship, with the rudder painted, that I would particularly like to find.

Thanks in advance to all the A-26 experts out there!
That's great, A-26 '555! I can't help at all but there are bound to be some great responses from those who can. You're in good company.
Dark blue tail, with 08 in white.....

Page up to Color Plate 3. Doesn't show the plate, but you should be able to find a copy of the book. Abebooks has used copies for under 10$, new can be found for under 30$
More current photos and info here:

Thanks for the responses!
Jim Roeder's book has been a fantastic resource. Seems like just the lead ships got painted. 01, 13. From the text, the author received images "showing a third Invader ('08' 44-34555) in the process of receiving the groups blue color at Machinato. The pictures show that the rudder was painted blue, while the remainder of the tail had yet to be resprayed." Page 184.

It's definitely a basket case, but it's a worthy airframe.

I'm looking for wartime photos of any A-26 operating with the 319th, blue tailed or not. This seems to be a hard unit and airframe combination to find good photos of, due to the rush into service, and end of the war.
Hey, this plane was owned by my wife's great great grandfather (E.G. Rodman) who was in WWI, and bought it after WWII. The family called it the "blue bomber". He sold it in 1970. Are you in Las Cruces? I don't think we have any pictures, but we will look. We but would love to see it in person at some point. My father-in-law actually flew it back in the late '60s a couple times.
It's in Western Washington state now. I'd definitely like to see anything you turn up! Message sent.
fubar57: I'd certainly like to get the picture in French markings for my records. Thanks!

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