A new book in my library. (4 Viewers)

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Another book on its way I've been after.
He was known as "the poor mans Douglas Bader"
Quite a nice inscription I think
View attachment 666451

Great find

Another of the squillion books that I did not know of that I would like as a result of this thread

Do you know how many different authors call their book best foot forward? Or that there was a musical comedy of that name
I have several dozen books in my library that cost over ten times their cover price but look at how the dollar has changed and in most cases I paid about the same in real terms.

My best buy in the last five years was to replace a book that I lent to someone who denies he ever had it. I was about to buy a copy at US$250 when a friend suggested trying Bookfinder. They had two copies advertised for just under US$50.
I had stopped lending books because of that, but when they whine incessantly I write out a paper with title , date and to whom it went. They usually won't sign it but when I go to their house at two in the morning several times, I usually get it back. One time a fellow club member couldn't remember who he had reloaned it to and in return I was allowed to print photos from WW@ negatives he had. I still have the negatives. If I ever get my neg/slide scanner operational, I will post them.
That is why I started scanning manuals. If they want to read it I give them a pdf (and post it here as well). Most books I will not scan even when out of copyright. Our family has two authors and there are enough people out there robbing them of royalties that I will not do the same to others. Exceptions are almost exclusively government published books as they are in the public domain.

In reply one friend has given me open access to borrow any books from his library and we both photograph all the covers before I leave with them. If he is busy his secretary photographs them and forwards the photos to both of us. With many manuals the USAAF cover says x but the contents is usually multiple manuals. His manuals I do not post without his permission.
While looking to see if the book "Aircraft Design of WWII" was available on ebay I stumbled across a great deal. This book is available on ebay under the name "Aircraft Anatomy of WWII" Edited by Paul Eden, at a really great price, $4.60, including shipping. I ordered a copy right away. I was surprised to see that it contains not only numerous cutaway views but also very nice color artwork I had seen previously in calendars.

Of course when I received the book I looked for a suitable place for it on my bookshelf, and found it - right next to the copy I ALREADY had....

This happens a lot. In any case I do recommend the book.


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