Or, something else to design and manufacture instead of the SB2C. The 1st flight needs to happen before March 1st 1941, ie. a tad later than it was the case with SB2C, so the engineers have a bit less of a pressure to make it work. It needs to have a bomb bay of at least same size like it was the case with the new-gen attackers for the USN. Powered by the engines that US industry can provide in good numbers, using aerodynamics, materials, propellers, guns and electronics of the day. At least a 2-seater, folding wings are mandatory. Range of at least 1000 miles with the full bomb bay and internal fuel, and 1500 with drop tanks added. Obviously, fully carrier capable, even with big take off weights. Max speed of at least 320 mph bombed-up & clean, while being docile at low speeds.
In service before May 1942.
In service before May 1942.