Aircraft Engine Valve Timing

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Oct 24, 2013
Hello fellow engine nuts,

For very strange reasons (possibly because I'm a strange person) I have compiled a massive list of valve timing specs from various sources (AEHS, Original Manuals, Jane's, etc.). However, the specs that I have for the Daimler-Benz DB 600, 601, 603, and 605 are really only the result of calculations and guesstimation. Does anyone on here have the actual valve timing specs for those engines? I've also attached my list of specs for your enjoyment and puzzlement as to why I made the list.

View attachment Valve timing part 1.txtView attachment Valve timing part 2.txt
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Yes, I have that manual. The only problem is that it only lists the point of exhaust valve opening. What I do know is that the intake and exhaust duration numbers are going to be identical due to the design of the valvetrain, what I don't know what the effect of the different valve lash settings would be as the lash on the intake is only .3mm and the lash on the exhaust is .6mm. I got the exhaust closing points from Daimler-Benz but the lash kind of messes up a few things but at least I'm close. GregP, thanks for your compliment.
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