Aircraft Identification from the 1940's

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May 10, 2016
Hi, I found this photo when scanning my wife's great grandfathers photos from I believe the 1940's. Does anyone have any idea what kind of aircraft it is? It looks like some kind of bomber, but I'm not sure. The engine configuration looks very strange to me... Thanks for any help you can provide!


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That's a Convair B-36 and they were operated between 1949 and 1959.

The engines were at the rear of the wing, making it a pusher, not a tractor like the B-29, for example. There were also two jet engines in each of the outboard pods to assist in take-off.
Convair B-36 Peacemaker it is! As an early teenager I recall these aircraft flying over our house. Although they were up at 40,000 feet the pictures on the walls of our home would start rattling and our front door, which was loose in the jamb, would start resonating violently and of course the entire house would shake. It would last for 3 or 4 minutes. I cannot imagine what the psychological effect would have been on an enemy when a fleet of these monsters would have flown overhead. About 400 were constructed and only FOUR remain.

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