"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I was just watching a video over at funker, posted a day ago, where a lone M2 Bradley charged Russian lines and tore them to shreds.

That coupled with the Ukrainian FPV drones huntung at night equipped with thermal/night vision tearing Russian troops apart is hard to watch.

I simply cannot fathom how Russia can expect to lose ground elements in such numbers and expect to gain the upper hand in this protracted "three day special operation".
Putin and his butt buddies are committed to the operation. If they pull out they lose nearly all credibility in the home country, and will almost certainly lose power/control.

IMO they are simply putting their heads down and pushing ahead in the hopes that the attrition war will work, or that the West will abandon Ukraine for some reason. They do not have any other options for the survival of their own little worlds.

Once again I say, too many old men getting strange in the head, with too much money/power and time on their hands,.
''...The Russian government used the websites to spread propaganda in an effort to bolster its interests, reduce international support for Ukraine and influence voters in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, as well as in other foreign elections, the Justice Department alleged in an affidavit. Russian actors tried to stir anti-military sentiments, among other tactics, the affidavit says...''

The heck with sending the high tech stuff to Ukraine. We should drop it on the Russians ourselves.

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