"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Yeah, life is always unpredictable. Never thought that Putin, having no real economy, no real army, nor real allies will start the real war.
So for now he is the main candidate in the 'Cretin of the Century' nomination.

Well, yeah, there's a couple of news-bearers who'll be excoriated, but let's face it, reality has a way of talking to you all the same.
There's a long list of former Putler "friends" who have contracted a serious case of suicide.

Hitler suffered the same delusions: he and his imaginary empire were invincible, right to the last days he believed that his military and it's wonder weapons would drive the enemy back to preserve his vision of the utopia he envisioned and promised his people.
I was just watching a clip from the BBC about a Royal Navy destroyer being closely shadowed and fired upon (warning shot across the bow but not very close) in the Black Sea. This was off the Crimean coast.
I thought the Dardanelles was closed to warships.
I'm looking forward to seeing "NATO-ized" MiGs go up against their Soviet opponents.
I never thought I'd be rooting for guys flying MiGs and driving T-72s.
Slava Ukraine!
you should not expect something spectacular- modernization effort of this machines has been seriously constrained by limited budget assigned on this program. Basically it was done more to allow operation of this airplanes in allied environment than to increase it's combat capabilities.....

That happened before this invasion, in June of 2021. The Straits are only closed to warships during hostilities.
According to a France 24 video, the next one down on the link provided, a Russian video of a "Terminator " destroying a Ukrainian base was actually the other way around. A video posted by the Ukrainian 93rd Brigade earlier was "co-opted " by the Russians.
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