"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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All that Russian hardware and munitions used during their Baltic posturing is a clear example of how far Russia has it's head up it's ass.

Their troops are being slaughtered in Ukraine and desperately need the CAS that's being showcased in a sterile environment.
From ISW:

A Ukrainian official reported that Russian aviation units are changing tactics, possibly due to aviation losses and depleted stocks of high-precision weapons. Ukrainian Air Force Spokesperson Yuri Ihnat reported on April 7 that Russian aviation units are reducing their operations in the immediate vicinity of Ukrainian positions and are increasingly relying on more remote aviation strikes with guided aerial bombs.[11] Ihnat stated that Russian Su-35 aircraft can use these munitions from more than 50km away from the line of contact and that Ukrainian forces are unable to drive Russian aviation units away from Ukraine's borders at this range.[12] These modified aerial bombs are likely less precise than other munitions that Russian aviation units have previously used in Ukraine. Russian forces may be changing aviation tactics to mitigate the risk of further aviation losses by operating out of the range of most Ukrainian anti-aircraft and air defense systems, at the cost of the ability to conduct close air support.

I found this part to be interesting considering the importance to Russia of newly mobilised reserves to fill the line, due to casualties.

Former Russian proxy commander and prominent critical milblogger Igor Girkin revealed on April 7 that a volunteer battalion that he previously actively promoted is essentially a sham. Girkin posted an angry rant to Telegram on April 7 claiming that the "Nevsky" volunteer battalion that he advertised throughout 2022 has deployed as a "brigade" consisting of three battalions and 1,186 total personnel.[13] A single Russian battalion typically consists of around 800-900 personnel, so Girkin's remark suggests that "Nevsky's" leadership sought to erroneously portray the volunteer battalion as a larger formation by designating it as a brigade. Girkin noted that "'Nevsky" deployed to the frontline near Avdiivka with the forces of a "reinforced company" without promised equipment or training and quickly found itself conducting costly assaults.[14] Girkin accused "Nevsky's" commander of being more interested in "political and commercial machinations" and suggested that "Nevsky" was created for the sole purpose of generating profit.[15] Girkin's tirade against a formation that he once ardently supported suggests that even volunteer formations held in high regard face corruption and training issues that are endemic to the Russian force generation apparatus

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