Allison V-1710 for P40 B/C propeller/engine gear ratio question

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Nov 19, 2006
Dear all,
I'm looking for the propeller/engine speed ratio of engines that powered the P40 B and C versions.
If I'm not wrong the engine should be the Allison V-1710-33. More specifically I'm looking for such number(s?), since I'm interested in specifications of P40 that served in RAF/SAAF in the North African theatre.
Can you kindly help me?
Thanks in advance!
According to the table about the V-1710-33, found at the book 'Vee's for victory', pg. 124, the propeller gear ratio was 2.0:1.
Thank you very much tomo paulk! It looks like one of the highest engine to prop ratios for wwii engines.
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Thank you very much tomo paulk! It looks like one of the highest engine to prop ratios for wwii engines.

Bruno, if I understand what you mean about the engine to prop ratio I would say you are incorrect.

The British used a different system - prop rpm:engine rpm, which is the inverse of the American system.

Now 2:1 was a common ratio on P&W R-2800s. Others had 16:9 and still others had 2.5:1 9.tif

The Merlin XX had a reduction ratio of 0.42:1 (2.38:1). The 45 had 0.477:1 (2.096:1).

The Vulture had a reduction ratio of 0.35:1 (2.86:1), the Sabre 0.274:1 (3.65:1).

Engines that had higher rpm capability generally had the larger reduction ratios.
Absolutely right, wuzak. My fault.
@kmccutcheon: thank you for the interesting link!

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