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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Starting late last night, whenever I went to a page, it kept refreshing. Couldn't post a couple of times. Still doing it this A.M.. As you can see, I have two other tabs open and no problem...

The one on the right is still refreshing as I type this, about 5min. after the capture.

While the refreshing icon is running , please pay your attention to what is written in the line in the bottom , left corner of your screen.

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Undoubtedly the first one is the reason for the still working icon. The is part of Skimlinks — a service that helps online publishers earn money. In other words advertisement. Either you may clear your browser cache and the browsing history or you may click the icon for refreshing while it's running. It should stop the data transferring.

BTW.. I would check on adware on your computer
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