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  • I'm having trouble finding it. How do I post onto the main stream. The most recent post on it is the bf 109 model or that Carrier thing. I want to post onto that. I'm on the site from am iPad.
    Hi I just posted for the first time yesterday and I got a warning can you please tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it ? This is what the Warning said : A warning for not checking on the post lauout and sending of the multi attachment
    I don't know. Wurger apparently made that warning, but I don't really know what he meant with that. And I think he also fixed the problem. Shall I ask hime to clear it up for you?
    Looking at your post, I guess he wants you to resize your pictures to a manageable format. They are very big now and use too many MB's, especially for mobile users. Maybe you can resize them to 1024 or so?
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