Amderma and Rogachevo air bases?

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....any idea what jets they had based there?
Typical Soviet hardware like bombers for the jump over the pole and interceptors to try and discourage SR-71 overflights
....I just noticed that they've reactivated the base on the Kotelny Island, deactivated since '93..
The Russians are reactivating several Arctic bases, as are the Canadians.

The reason why? Oil.

Notes From the North: Canada and Russia Bolster their Arctic Ambitions
Rogachevo air base had stationed at one time or another:
Tu-128, YaK-28, Su-27 and more recently, MiG-31

Amderma air base (also used as a civil field: AMV) had stationed:
Tu-128, MiG-19 and MIG-31

They have also re-opened an old emergency field on Kotelny with the intentions of building a new base. In addition, they are planning on building quite a few new air bases in the region.

Cheers mate!

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