An Impossible Picture

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There's a specialty book scanner that eliminates most distortion like that. I looks a bit like an old overhead projector, but with no big body. You just open the book flat under the fixed scanner head and it does the rest.

May use a laser to measure the shape if the book in 3D to do the calculations to remove distortion?
Well I think you've done an amazing job there!
An A3 scan of two A4 magazine pages and you've completely (to my eyes) removed that dark middle centre section which usually has a whitish reflection?
How do ya do it?

View attachment 652350
I did one of those back in 1973, for a display at our AFROTC unit. I still have bit found a good way to simulate real polished AL. My Ercoupe is polished AL, and right now I am not real pleased with the way it looks, either.
I did one of those back in 1973, for a display at our AFROTC unit. I still have bit found a good way to simulate real polished AL. My Ercoupe is polished AL, and right now I am not real pleased with the way it looks, either.
There is a fully polished Ercoupe at RDD and the owner is tired of it, as it needs constant maintenance.
Here is another patch job I did using the magazine. It's a better paste job than the other one. That issue has a really good series of articles on the fighters and other US aircraft that got into the air on 7 Dec 71 at PH and I recommend. it. It does not tell the whole story, like the B-18 with the fighter pilots who went pig hunting on Molokai, but it is better than anything else I have seen.


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