Any deep researchers of JG3? Looking for August 6 in Hamburg region

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Jun 28, 2006
Scurry, Texas
My father had what he described as his toughest encounter on August SW of Hamburg. My research pointred to JG 3, possibly JG 300. Excerpt from Our Might Always:

"August 6, 1944"

F.0.487. Captain Marshall led the 355th​ on a Ramrod to Berlin to escort B-17s attacking Berlin area aircraft and tank engine factories. The first 10 boxes of 2nd​ TF B-17s were headed for Berlin diesel and aircraft engine works. The last two boxes would go to Gdynia with the 357th​ FG and continue southeastward to Ukraine on another Shuttle mission.

The leading boxes of bombers were picked up over Cuxhaven at 1155 and escorted to the target and back along the withdrawal route.

Between Hamburg and Bremen at 1330, Lenfest's Green flight of the 354FS was bounced from six o'clock high by six to eight Me109s from I./JG3. Green flight engaged in a turning fight at 15,000 feet.

Flight Officer Folger initially evaded the bounce with a climbing right turn and called in OK shortly thereafter, but was never seen again. Uffr. Karcher from I./JG3 probably shot down Folger in that fight.

Marshall led Red flight down on the 109s that had cornered Green flight and picked up two on Lenfest's tail. Marshall picked up the leader, scored hits on the wing root, and the two 109s separated to free up Lenfest. Marshal shot his victim down about 20 miles south of Hamburg after a hard chase on the deck, to become the Group's eleventh ace.

In what was apparently a desperation maneuver the German pilot split-S from 2000 feet in an attempt to evade, but crashed before he could pull out as Marshall dropped his flaps and followed him.

Captain Lenfest shot down the second pursuer to become the Group's twelfth ace and Lieutenant Martin shot down another Me 109 to raise his combined air and ground score to seven.

In a separate encounter Captain Bill Preddy of the 352nd​ FG destroyed six to tie the current ETO record for most air to air victories on one mission.

Final score 3-0-0 for loss of one (air)"

As a follow on, Dad's wingman (Chuck Hauver) for that mission lost him in the middle of what he described the most violent maneuvering he ever ever encountered in 30 years as a fighter pilot.
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I could find only these five possible occurrences for Aug 6, 1944.

1) Bf 109G-6 WNr 166010 Stkz KW+YJ "Schwarze (Black) 21 + I"
FhjFw Rudolf Helmut Schindler, unit: 8/JG-53, (not JG 3 or 300).
KIA (killed) 6 August, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51 near Bleckede about 70 km south east of Hamburg. Reported to have been shot in his chute. Buried in Lüneburg.

2) Bf 109G-6 WNr 165861 Stkz BS+EC "Gelbe (yellow) 7 + I"
Uffz Wilhelm Holtfretter, unit: 9./JG 53.
WIA (wounded) 6 August, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51 near Bleckede. Belly landed.

3) Bf 109G-6 WNr 441604 "Gelbe (yellow) 14 + I"
Ltn Rudolf Krau, unit 9./JG 53.
WIA (wounded)6 August, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51, crash landed near Itzehoe about 60 km north west of Hamburg.

4) Bf 109G-6 WNr 165546 "Schwarze (black) 17 + I"
Uffz Karl Passgang, unit 8/JG-53
KIA (killed) 6 August, 1944 during aerial combat with a P-51 in the Braunschweig area, about 200 km south of Hamburg.

5) Bf 109G-6 WNr 440728 "<<+
Maj Gerhard 'Gerd' Schöpfel, commander of JG 4.
WIA (wounded) on 6 August, 1944 near Schwerin. Bailed out but wounded.

8 and 9./JG 53 at that date were based at Hustedt, about 100 km south of Hamburg.
2./JG 4 was based at Salzwedel ab. 100 km south east and 3./JG 4 at Rotenburg ab. 80 km south west of Hamburg.

Regarding the possibility, instead, that an aircraft belonging to JG 3 and JG 300 could be present in Hamburg area on August 6th, it must be said that:
JG 3 in that period was based: the Stab at Dreux (France), the 1st Gruppe at Burg (near Magdeburg) about 280 km south east of Hamburg.
The 2nd Gruppe was at Nogent-le-Roi (France), the 3rd Gruppe was near Chartres (France) and 4th Gruppe was at Schongau (Germany) but flew Focke Wulf 190s.

JG 300 in August was based: The Stab and the 1st Gruppe at Bad Wörishofen near Munich, the 2nd Gruppe flew Focke Wulf 190s, the 3rd Gruppe was at Jüterbog near Berlin and the 4th was at Reinsdorf (near Berlin).

In summary, considering the distances of the JG 3 and JG 300 bases from Hamburg it is extremely unlikely that any aircraft of one of these units were in the Hamburg area on August 6, 1944.

Notee: Data found in - Kracker Luftwaffe Archive, in The Luftwaffe, 1933-45 and in my archives
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Re-reading the mission summary, "8 Me 109Gs with white noses and black crosses on yellow circle on top right wing, bounced two flights as we crossed under the bombers at 18,000 feet. In the ensuing combat which ranged from 12,000 to 2,000 feet SW of Hamburg were the following claims tallied."

Re-reading Marshall's Encounter report, the chase started ~1530 near Hamburg and proceeded S and SW. The 109 was seen to crash and explode approx 20-30mi south of Hamburg. Lenfest and Martin also received victoy credits over 109s in the same general area. Lenfest described the pilot of his 109 trying to bail ot at 500ft unsuccessfully. Lenfest Claim 20mi south of Hamburg.

FWIIW both the 352nd and 339th FG Mustangs had claims southeast of Hamburg, Havelburg and Luneville area.

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