Any Sources on Sea Level max speeds for the Ki-43’s?

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Airman 1st Class
Jun 13, 2016
This is what I compiled together… but honestly it's all pure estimations and if anyone knows any sources, that would be awesome, thanks.

400-410km/h at Sea Level (100%) - 870hp
418-428km/h at Sea Level (WEP) - 990hp
(495km/h at 4000-4200m at Military Power)

Ki-43-II Ko
427km/h at Sea Level (100%) - 1010hp
443km/h at Sea Level (WEP) - 1130hp
(515km/h at 6000m at military power)

Ki-43-II Kai
447km/h at Sea Level (100%) - 1010hp
464km/h at Sea Level (WEP) - 1130hp
(535km/h at 6000m, at military power)

Ki-43-III Ko
455km/h at Sea Level (100%) - 1065hp
472km/h at Sea Level (WEP) - 1190hp
(550-560km/h at 5850-6100m with WEP, depending on different Japanese sources)
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Is sea level 0m or <= 1000m. I really don't know?

But official 1000m speeds are quite faster for all Ki43 models than your estimated "sea level"


ソース(Source) 「キ43飛行性能表」『飛行第59戦隊整備関係資料』防衛研究所蔵
(Library of National Institute for Defense Studies)
"Ki43 flight performance table" from "Maintanance documents relating
to 59th FR"
登録番号(registration number) 陸空-濠北方面-84

高度 最高速度 上昇力
(Alt.) (Max. speed) (Clim. speed)
1000m 463km/h 1'13"
2000m 481km/h 2'25"
3000m 498km/h 3'30"
3340m 504km/h
4000m 504km/h 4'35"
4800m 500km/h(supercharger switching altitude)
5000m 503km/h 5'49"
6000m 515km/h 7'24"
6080m 515km/h
7000m 514km/h 9'12"
8000m 508km/h 11'09"
9000m 497km/h 13'36"
10000m 478km/h 17'20"


一式戦闘機一型(キ43-I)「隼」の性能/Ki-43I Oscar
from "Pilot Manual for Ki-43"

高度 最高速度 上昇力
(Alt.) (Max. speed) (Clim. speed)
1000m 435km/h 1'11"
2000m 457km/h 2'12"
3000m 478km/h 3'10"
3700m 495km/h
4000m 495km/h 4'08"
5000m 494km/h 5'13"
6000m 490km/h 6'21"
So it would be more like...

414kph at Sea Level - 870hp
432kph at Sea Level - 990hp

Ki-43-II Ko
445kph at Sea Level - 1010hp
462kph at Sea Level - 1130hp

Ki-43-II Kai
464kph at Sea Level - 1010hp
482kph at Sea Level - 1130hp

Ki-43-III Ko
472kph at Sea Level - 1065hp
490kph at Sea Level - 1190hp
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It's also funny how TAIC isn't able t
Do you know by any chance how i could access the source directly?
I got them from here WW2航空機の性能:WarbirdPerformanceBlog its a Japanese site where he has been researching National Archives Library of Japan digitised records, that are online アジア歴史資料センター

For the Ki43-II article Reference code: A03032127200 appears as

It appears to be a series of test trials by the 59th Sentai of a Ki43-II(initial), it even includes opinions on the 12.7mm shell casings and gun chamber dimensions! Have Fun!
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