Anyone Know of Any Good Books on the Ki-84

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I took these when the H8K was at the Museum of Maritime Science in Tokyo.

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Awesome shots!!! Do you think they are taking good care of it to ensure it lasts for as long as possible in Kanoya? I only ask because I know it is on display outdoors. Do you think they treat the metal and the works to ensure it can stand up to the elements well and resist corrosion ? Thanks
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thanks for the info I didn't know about, the part with the ferry and ki 54 are quite interesting.

No worries. There's lots of interesting stuff to see. When in Tokyo, go to Yoyogi Park, which is where the first ever successfull powered flights took place in Japan. There are monumental stones tucked away in the park. I want to go back there one day and get digital photos of the stuff I missed on my last trip years ago.

I do know that they corrosion treated the interior and it is fitted with dehumidifiers inside to prevent the build up of moisture. I'm not sure about the exterior apart from layers of paint. Looking at photos on the net it looks like it has been repainted since it was in Tokyo.
That's awesome!!! I guess those modelling books have more than just photos. Thank you
Probably the best one in a term of graphical content - unfortunately text is entirely Japanese
Maru Mechanic no.33

Second in line will be of course...
Bunrin Do - Famous Airplanes of the World no.19 - as well with Japanese text
Hello Gentlemen,

I don't happen to have the Kagero Top Drawings book on the Hayate, but I know that others in the series are VERY good.
Other useful references are Volume 70 from the old Aircraft Profile series. There may be more than one FAOW book on the Hayate.
One has 1971 volume 10 No. 20 or something like that on the cover. The other is FAOW 19 as already mentioned.

There are also the Report on the Ki 84 that was examined after the war at Middletown, PA that is a pretty good read.
It isn't the easiest thing to find even for me and I was the one that uploaded it a few years back.
It can be found here:
Middletown Test Report

- Ivan.

P.S. That should be JMSDF, not JNSDF. M = Maritime. I worked for them on a contract a long time ago.
Thank you! I have finally spoken to the legendary Ivan, I've seen some of your threads and posts around, nice to finally "meet" you lol! Thank you so much for the info, and if you do not mind me asking, what job did you do for them if you are allowed to tell, sounds interesting
Hello Contrails16,

That "Legendary Ivan" bit sounds a bit humourous actually. I used to spend a lot more time here than I do now.
I found that I was not getting any time to work on more useful projects even though I was getting a lot of information from discussions.

Way back, I worked as a contractor for the US military on a foreign military sales contract with the JMSDF.
My job was lead software developer during this time. Lead sounds fancy but there weren't that many of us actually.
The technology involved at the time was quite interesting though it is probably pretty commonplace today.
Over a couple fairly short trips, I visited a few historical places though there wasn't that much time working a full time job while on site. A Japanese Lieutenant and I became pretty good friends he gave me a bit of an insight into "international" relations and also gave me a chance to visit a JMSDF vessel.

The Middletown Test Report is a very good read if you are curious about what a properly built and maintained Ki 84 was probably capable of without the issues of manufacturing and materials defects late in the war.

- Ivan.

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