Senior Airman
Howdy all,
Now, this is a pretty diverse group, with knowledge outside just aircraft, and I am hoping ya'll can help me narrow down the approximate year of this Chinese military YouTube video.
I have been trying to age the film based on the uniforms, aircraft, tanks, computers, weapons, etc. To me it looks like post 1984 and probably before 1990, but maybe a bit later than that. I am working with the assumption that while it is perfectly reasonable for older systems to be in the video, you would think that the Chinese might want to include the newest / bestest in such a video.
The uniforms on the troops entering the APCs at about 2:20 in the video look post 1987, but I am not sure, because most of the other uniforms seen look pre-1985. Regardless, very few soldiers are wearing camo, and I think camo was pretty common by the early 1990's.
The SAMs shown at about 2:30 in the film look like Russian SA-2 or early Chinese HQ-2, before the HQ-2B. That is not conclusive at all, but would point to 1986 or before as a possibility. Of course it could be post 1986 and just before the B model became common. And at 2:43 into the video one SAM is marked "HQ-2", but I don't know if the Chinese would put variant markers in that location.
The aircraft shown at 3:34 in to the video looks like a Shenyang J-8 or J-8A, but not a J-8B. This suggests pre-1990, but is far from conclusive.
I think the aircraft at about 5:12 into the video is the Xi'an H-6 or a Tu-16, but not sure. No real help there, since that covers a hole lot of years.
The MANPAD seen at about 5:39 into the video looks like a Chinese made HN-5, not the SA-7, but it could be an SA-7 with some kind of odd BCU.
The helos at 7:08 into the video look like UH-60's. I know the Chinese copied the UH-60 later (the Harbin Z-20), but they also got a few S-70C-2's in about 1984. And the interior at about 7:20 really looks like a S-70 with some additions.
The anti-tank missile at about 8:40 looks like an HJ-8, which (I think) entered service in about 1984. The one at about 8:49 looks like a HJ-73, but not sure how long the Chinese kept using those.
The IBM computer at about 10:15 looks like an early 1980's model.
So my take away is that the video cannot be earlier than about 1985 and is most likely before about 1995. Does anyone disagree with that? Could anyone narrow that down any?
Now, this is a pretty diverse group, with knowledge outside just aircraft, and I am hoping ya'll can help me narrow down the approximate year of this Chinese military YouTube video.
I have been trying to age the film based on the uniforms, aircraft, tanks, computers, weapons, etc. To me it looks like post 1984 and probably before 1990, but maybe a bit later than that. I am working with the assumption that while it is perfectly reasonable for older systems to be in the video, you would think that the Chinese might want to include the newest / bestest in such a video.
The uniforms on the troops entering the APCs at about 2:20 in the video look post 1987, but I am not sure, because most of the other uniforms seen look pre-1985. Regardless, very few soldiers are wearing camo, and I think camo was pretty common by the early 1990's.
The SAMs shown at about 2:30 in the film look like Russian SA-2 or early Chinese HQ-2, before the HQ-2B. That is not conclusive at all, but would point to 1986 or before as a possibility. Of course it could be post 1986 and just before the B model became common. And at 2:43 into the video one SAM is marked "HQ-2", but I don't know if the Chinese would put variant markers in that location.
The aircraft shown at 3:34 in to the video looks like a Shenyang J-8 or J-8A, but not a J-8B. This suggests pre-1990, but is far from conclusive.
I think the aircraft at about 5:12 into the video is the Xi'an H-6 or a Tu-16, but not sure. No real help there, since that covers a hole lot of years.
The MANPAD seen at about 5:39 into the video looks like a Chinese made HN-5, not the SA-7, but it could be an SA-7 with some kind of odd BCU.
The helos at 7:08 into the video look like UH-60's. I know the Chinese copied the UH-60 later (the Harbin Z-20), but they also got a few S-70C-2's in about 1984. And the interior at about 7:20 really looks like a S-70 with some additions.
The anti-tank missile at about 8:40 looks like an HJ-8, which (I think) entered service in about 1984. The one at about 8:49 looks like a HJ-73, but not sure how long the Chinese kept using those.
The IBM computer at about 10:15 looks like an early 1980's model.
So my take away is that the video cannot be earlier than about 1985 and is most likely before about 1995. Does anyone disagree with that? Could anyone narrow that down any?