At a roadblock with researching bf109 E7, I don't think I know what resources to use, if you could help it would be very appreciated

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Oct 3, 2021
Rural Illinois
Trying to gather all info on bf109 e7 yellow 5 4093 of JG5
here's what I have so far

•Shot down by AA in Kola Bay north of Murmansk on May 25, 1942
•Pilot was Friedrich Dahn who went MIA

This is really all I have come across and I am trying to find past flights/events. I think I am just not looking in the right places. If you could help me or steer me in the right direction I would be very grateful, Thanks.
Books about jg5 Eismeer would seem a starter.

He has received Luftwaffe Honour Goblet on 18-05-1942 .


Same topic, Page 24, Post #352 by user "W.vermeer" says that he was a lieutenant.

Dahn, Friedrich, Leutnant, Flugzeugführer unit uncertain, 18-05-1942 (Ep)

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That would be awesome!!! thank you so much! how were you able to see that he was mentioned 5 times? i would love to see if i can find any other books with the name or plane in it. Thanks again!
I asked my son to check the index. He can't do any looking himself as he headed into another mining camp a few hours later
DAHN, Friedrich. (DOB: 12.08.18). (DKG). 20.10.41 Lt., JG.z.b.V. 20.12.41 Lt., 14./JG 77. 13.02.42 Lt., 5./JG 5. 23.04.42 Lt., 5./JG 5 WIA - Bf 109 E-7 crash-landed at Pechenga/Russia in a take-off accident. 25.05.42 Lt., 5./JG 5 awarded the Ehrenpokal. 25.05.42 Lt., 5./JG 5 MIA - Bf 109 E-7 (Yellow 5 + -) combat SE of Sim.Motowka vic the Bay of Kola N of Murmansk during an antishipping mission. 10.07.42 Lt., 5./JG 5 awarded the DKG. Credited with 25 victories.

Source: Luftwaffe Officer Career Summaries

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