AVRO Lancaster W4960 AR-R

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Jun 22, 2020
Dear all, I am looking for some photographs of this lancaster and / or it last crew.

It crashed 12 june 1943 near sluipwijk / Bodegraven in my country the Netherlands. It was an aircraft of RAF 460 (RAAF) squadron (Binbrook UK). Its crew :

F/Sgt Robert S. Christie 416324 RAAF Pilot.
F/Sgt Jack Heath 408309 RAAF Navigator.
F/Sgt John H. Horwood 404352 RAAF Air Bomber
Sgt Reginald L. Lewis 1380317 RAF Wireless Op.
Sgt Reginald S. Kerwin 777739 RAF Flight Engineer
P/O Bruce W. Bennett 420637 RAAF Air Gunner.
F/Sgt Peter J. Hogan 413866 RAAF Air Gunner

I am aware of the existance of a website regarding this crash, but I am looking for photographs of the aircraft. any help, please is highly appreciated.

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