B-17E odd color sceme

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Senior Airman
Sep 28, 2009
Here's another photo from the Panama Canal Zone in WWII.
A B-17E in an unusual color scheme.Most likely used for anti-sub patrols, though the Navy claimed that mission.
Possibly locally painted?
Here's another photo from the Panama Canal Zone in WWII.
A B-17E in an unusual color scheme.Most likely used for anti-sub patrols, though the Navy claimed that mission.View attachment 287748 Possibly locally painted?

By the looks of it and the erratic switch in colors, it looks like a worn B-17 whose paint wasn't what it used to be, and it was hastily painted over. The airframe 12504 looks like it'd been sent to some pretty remote areas, but I wasn't able to find out further. But that's just my two cents (it's probably wrong)
Thanks for the info!
I also wonder if that bump under the waist gun position is some kind of radar dome. The A/C also has the ball turret replaced with a radar dome.
Not sure if that belly turret is a radar. My guess is that it's one of the early remote turrets that were aimed through the vertigo inducing sighting blister just to the rear of it. Could always be wrong though. Maybe it's a combination of the two.
The early Es(only 512 made) had the remote turret, so you might be right Jim. I'll see if I can dig up when the change-over was.


EDIT: The first 113 Es had the remote turret. Unfortunately my Polish is just as good as my Navaho so I'm not sure if this means starting with or ending with. If it's ending with, then the aircraft above is the second to last E to have the remote turret...

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Not sure if that belly turret is a radar. My guess is that it's one of the early remote turrets that were aimed through the vertigo inducing sighting blister just to the rear of it. Could always be wrong though. Maybe it's a combination of the two.

You are correct.It's one of the last B-17Es with the Sperry remote turret and sighting

The early Es(only 512 made) had the remote turret, so you might be right Jim. I'll see if I can dig up when the change-over was.


EDIT: The first 113 Es had the remote turret. Unfortunately my Polish is just as good as my Navaho so I'm not sure if this means starting with or ending with. If it's ending with, then the aircraft above is the second to last E to have the remote turret...

View attachment 287818
This text starts at wrong place, however in short words states that remote controlled turret makes a gunner sick after longer looking trough the periscope sight with inverted image. So starting from 113rd copy B-17E got the Sperry ball turret.
I'm slowly discovering the old threads here - the aircraft was repainted in Panama with "dirty seawater" on top, and light blue below with white cloud patterns on the blue and leading edges. There weren't many aircraft in this camouflage - I've seen two B-17s and two B-24s, but I really have no idea how many more were repainted.


Evening Mr. Bell! Glad you have joined us. You likely won't remember but we met a couple of years back (IIRC) at your book signing at Hazy-Udvar. It was before your F4U books came out and I have to say it was a real treat from me. Thank you for that! All the best Jim

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Hi folks!

Great to be here - we seem to share so many interests, it's a wonder I haven't seen the site before!

Jim, I do remember the meet at Hazy - it was a pretty fine day, we sold some books for the Museum, and I got to chat with a lot of nice folks. I'll have to do that again soon - perhaps you'll make the next one too!

Flyboy, I've still got the MAD B-18 shots (plus a few more), but no closeups of the installation. I'm working on the Sarah Clark Collection finding aid at Archives 2, and I think I've got a decent notion where the test reports and photos might be - it's just a matter of finding time between all the other projects to take a look. Have you seen Dan Hagedorn's new Air Britain book on the B-18? Dan's pretty thorough, and might have already published what you're looking for.

Anyhow, a great forum with a lot of enthusiasm and enthusiasts - an no trolls!



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