B-17G in Pieces

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
I can't imagine how much work it takes to dismantle a B-17, but they did. This is the Collins Foundation new airplane to replace the ill fated 909.

Taking one down for movement is not that hard. What's much harder is scratch building one....Ray Moore, over in Ashville, NC has one E model in production and the aft fuselages for 3 other rebuilds in progress. Move up to Morengo, IL, and Mike Kellner is rebuilding Desert Rat, the ex-B-17E/XC-108A. Rat was moved from way up in Maine to Il. over a long time period.
I can't imagine how much work it takes to dismantle a B-17, but they did. This is the Collins Foundation new airplane to replace the ill fated 909.

We were at American Aero a few weeks ago and got to see this as well. They rebuilt the chin turret and it looks absolutely amazing.
Always a worthwhile trip visiting there.
I just realized the other day that I have another piece of electronics equipment that they need for the PBY, an LM Frequency Meter.. I'll try to remember to carry it there the next time I am up that way.

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