Stumbled across this thread by complete accident. Looks like you've made some good progress on this. It looks just like what I've come up with. **For those that don't know his wife is my cousin and we are working on similar projects in tribute to our Great-Uncle Chuck and 'Sage Lady'.
I do have one question because I couldn't figure it did you come up with the ship number of '94'? Out of all my reference books I could only figure that was a random assigned number. So really wasn't sure what to go with there.
I knew she was with another group and had been damaged but I didn't realize that 'Sage Lady' had another name in her previous role with a different group, I completely overlooked that fact. Pretty cool to see photos of at least that version and know that was eventually his aircraft, nice job. I have feelers out wherever I can think of in hopes that someone would miraculously have a photo of her or at least the nose art since all of Aunt Jills photos were destroyed in a fire
. Your idea of just script on the nose was what I had planned as well.
One thought I did have about the name / color was that maybe this was a design in response to the B-24D 'Strawberry Bitch' which was a pinkish colored aircraft serving in North Africa. Just an idea I had, no real significance to it.
What model / scale are you going with on this? I have a Hobbycraft 1/72 scale B-24H. I have actually considered doing the two halves differently covering both the natural metal finish and green/grey camo finish. Haven't made a final decision on that yet.
I look forward to seeing your project on this one. I have another project to finish for Cam's birthday before I can move on to this one.
Happy building!