B-24D outer wing tanks

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 6, 2014
United States
Hi all,

At least two sources (Joe Baugher's webpage, and Ray Wagner's Americancombatplanes.com) state that during the B-24D production run, two additional fuel tanks were added to the outer wing panels. Wagner's site states that this modification was implemented during the B-24D-20-CO production run, but no other sources state this.

Anyone have any further info on this?

William Green states in "Famous Bombers of WWII" volume one that with B-24D-20-CO, additional self-sealing fuel cells in the outer wings increased fuel capacity from 1978 Imp gallons to 3009 Imp gallons, with provisions for further tanks in the bomb bay.
A 1942/43 B-24 manual (01-5EC-1) claims the aux tanks 7-9 were added with B-24D 41-24060 (a B-24D-15-CO) and subsequent airplanes.
I have to admit that my copy of the manual is really bad and the numbers are not easy to read so 24060 may also be 24040
Can you post that copy here?
If you follow the link I gave, you will find the B-24 manuals that are available on this site.
The one I quoted is dated Sept 15th 1942.
It lists the -43 engines but does show the waist guns. The planes with waist guns had more oxygen tanks, the early aircraft had 10 oxygen tanks in the wings (5 in each) but did not have the extra wing tanks.
Alrady here, just found it again: B-24D Pilot manual
Our Navy PB4y1 was a modified B24-42D and had wing tip tanks. I was told that they held 125 gallons each.
Our Navy PB4Y1 was a modified B24-42D and was still marked as such throughout.
We carried 2600 gallons in the main tanks, 900 gallons in bomb bay tanks and 250 gallons in wingtip tanks in 1944,

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