Belgian Squadron Insignia

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jun 15, 2005
Deep in suburban Surrey
Can anyone help?

I want to find/identify as many as possible...

So far I have hit confusion with

1 Esc as the 'upright thistle' or maybe the 'comet/shooting star'

2 Esc as the 'thistle in yellow circle' or above

8 Esc as 'white squares and triangles'

9 Esc 'thistle leaning to right'

11 Esc 'white shapes in a different patten to 8 Esc.

And I have hardly any detail on any of these... :|

Also no info on 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 etc... did these squadrons exist?

Any good sized marking/insignia/badge pictures much appreciated!...
Really nice site.THX for posting LaurentH and welcome to the forum.:D

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