Bell King Cobra Crash

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As far as I know it was the only P39 Aircobra still flying in Europe.
I saw it at her first public flight ad Duxford in 2004

There are some news about the fcat on this forum:

You can find some pic of that Aircobra here (scroll down to mid page):

It seem the pilot lost control of the plkane. The fact is knowing what he was doing that time. I read several books of WW2 pilots who say that the P-39, due to the location of the engine, was not at all a plane to be used for aerobatic.
A number of Italian pilots, flying P-39 with co-belligerant Air Force (ICAF) in 1943-45, run into accidents and even died just because they were doing aerobatcs with their Aircobra.

You can find more news on what above in the book "Marco Mattioli - Bell P39 Aircobra in Italian Service - - ED. Aviolibri (double language book, Italian + English)

Thanks. I play IL2 and theres one in that, such a hard aircraft to fly. It tip stalls very easy. Shame it crashed, was such a nice aircraft to look at too.
EAF51_Bear said:
It seem the pilot lost control of the plkane. The fact is knowing what he was doing that time. I read several books of WW2 pilots who say that the P-39, due to the location of the engine, was not at all a plane to be used for aerobatic.

Yep, thats the same thing about the P-38 lightning except for the engine. But if so, why do they fly these airplanes like that? And what does one mean with aerobatics ? A roll and a loop is not exactly extreme aerobatic flying as far as I'm concerned. The real aerobatic flying is not in any way committed to loops and a half Cuban eight or a roll.
For instance, the fact that they were not allowed to do a victory roll after a mission was more due to unknown afflicted damage during a dogfight....



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