Bendix-Scintilla Ignition System Manuals

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Here is the rest of the Magneto manuals that I have found in the archives so far. I have many other WW2 aircraft manuals in storage which I will download on this site as I find them. Hopefully, someone will find this information helpful.


  • Service and Parts DFN,DRN-8.pdf
    22.8 MB · Views: 265
  • Service and Parts SB9R(N),SB9L(N),SF9R(N),SF9L(N),VAG9-DR,VAG9-DFR.pdf
    31.8 MB · Views: 151
  • Service Instructions SB9RN,SB9LN,SF9RN,SF9LN,VAG9-DR,VAG9-DFR,VAG9-DFR5.pdf
    21.3 MB · Views: 160

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