Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

Best Battle of Britain aircraft?

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If I had to chose the best I would go for the Ju88.
The Spit and 109 were equally good and who lived and who died, depended on the tactical position and/or the skill of the pilot.

The Ju88 was however in a class of its own when it came to bombing.
The Spitfire did alot to keep the spirits up of the brits on the ground, but stats-wise I should really vote for somthing else...

How could I betray the spitfire though? It's like an aussie opting for somthing fried instead of a BBQ...

You do realize that the Hurricane was more of a "Hero" in the BoB than the Spitfire right?
The Bf-109 takes the prize IMO because of the fact that it was the fastest aircraft during BoB, and because it did remarkably well considering the circumstances under which it had to fight.

Fast, maneuverable and equipped with fuel injection the 109 is the best fighter of that period. Not by much though.
hurricane gets my vote, was easier to fly, more forgiving of a bad pilot( not that that would help in a dog fight) could take alot of damage and still make it home.
To me the best was actually the Bf-109E. I think it was the best overall fighter of the BoB however my vote does go to the Hurricane because of what she did for the British in the BoB.
No Westland Whirland in the line up? Not the best but should do better than the Stuka with 15 votes??????
If u voted for a German Plane and u have a german name u r a ****ing NAZI!
Ladies and gentleman, notice the stupidity of some who attempt to come this board and also note the "lifespan" of this idiot. If you're too freaking immature or stupid (or both) to come on this board, stick to X box and stay away from the Internet.
That was a informative post by Plane Freak or should I say Plain Freak
so lets all remember if you like German aircraft of any sort or you have a German name or you have relitives who are German you are now classed as an Nazi according to this interlectual giant.
I have a Nazi banner my dad liberated from the headquaters in Middleburg I suppose that must make him (and me for owning it) a Nazi sympathiser at least.
There are some odd people around isnt there Joe?
Equally disturbing, is that his profile reveals that he likes to shoot "things". The mind boggles at what "things" are.
The Hurricane...a war plane...could be patched up and flown again and far more novice friendly.

I remember reading one RAF pilots view on the Stuka was he loved it...said it would burst into flames after a good burst

This wasn't the air war the Bf 109 Emil was designed for...far too short ranged...I would still go for the Spitfire Mk I or II...but then I am biased.

This battle was about the Bf 110, the strategic fighter that never was.
And you a piece of ****!

Sorry Basket that was not meant for you. That was for the ******* plane freak who said that if you had a German name and voted for a German aircraft you were a NAZI.
On 12-06 cheddar cheese
Konfused with a 'K' wrote:
'Hurricane took out more planes'
With out a doubt they did, facts speak clearly, but, there were more of them to do so! About the same ratio of Hurris to Spits in service/fighting as the ratio of 'kills'. So over all, Hurri to Spit kill ratio was 1:1.
Also as good as the 109 was, it was a poor dog fighter, having a wing loading approx 25% greater than the Spit. Thus it couldn't turn as tight at height and tended to make attacks in the zoom climb, losing height where it became vulnerable to the Spit Hurri.
A BoB fighter pilot I still talk to, tells me in his squadron, (610) they used to let the 109s come down to them and just before the 109s could open fire the Spits broke right and left in tight turns, ending up behind the 109 who then couldn't shake them off except by putting the nose down into a power dive, which we all know, neither the Spits nor Hurris could do.
I think both you and the rest of us have every right to be pissed big time at Plain Freakazoid Adler I hate people who accelerate their mouth before putting their brains in gear.

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