Best Bomber

Best Bomber of WWII?

  • Mosquito

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lancaster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-24

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-29

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-17

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-25

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Do-17

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ju-88

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He 177

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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The problem with the Lancaster (and all the other planes listed in the poll) is that they can't land on carriers. I'd have to say one of the best bombers was the SBD Dauntless. It turned the tide of the war in the Pacific at Midway (due to lots of luck and the sacrifice of a lot of torpedo bomber crews).
i dont care lanc, the pic WAS funny

anyway, ive had enough of the b-17 and the lancaster hogging the limelight, so i challenge your well known and respected allied bombers with a little known and unrespected italian bomber, the p-108
the lanc has to win the votes cause it is the best. dan
I voted B-17 as best heavy bomber. Largely because I have read it could take awful amounts of hammering and still fly - like the case of a B-17 based in Amendola that had an 8 by 8 foot gap blow in its waist by flak over austria. It made it home, and then broke in half only after landing.

Also the Lanc was too vulnerable to be sent out in daylight raids, the B-17 not so.

As for light-bomber, a toss up between the Mosquito and the B25. Although the Mossie was more figher and the B25 more bomber...
Although I voted for the Lanc , the B29 was a very impressive machine , but it was not released into service early enough , to make much of a difference .
really? i didnt know that! thanks for pointing it out for me lanc! o yea if u wanna know y im an ass right now its cuz im getting annoyed at ur repetetive b-17 smashing im not that fond of it but still be quiet for a while about it and if germany hadnt been defeated as early we would have nuked them for sure so thats y i said that
yeah, the war in the pacific went on for a few months ofter the war in europe finished, and if it wasn't for the atom bombs, would have proberly gone on allot longer
The thing is, Japan was ready to sacrifice every last citizen before it surrendered. We had them beaten back onto the mainland, and they weren't going anywhere. But instead of saving a lot of lives by surrendering, they were prepared to fight to the literal death of Japan. So, to avoid disasterous losses, we nuked them. Took 2 nukes to do it, too. They still were ready to fight after Hiroshima. Having it happen AGAIN finally convinced them that their fight was over.
GermansRGeniuses said:
i have it patched up and i have no skill whatsoever so its ok unless :FI: sucks too... but i can only play with stalls disabled or else its no fun for me

We range from totally unskilled pilots, to ok pilots, to aces who can rip up the skies. If nothing else, the comradeship and sense of community is worth it. In my opinion, you'll learn a lot more flying with a group of guys ya know, who can tell you what you're doing wrong. I've learned countless tips and tricks from them. I think you should check us out

As for stalling out, spend an hour or so with stalls enabled with airstart on, and fly about. The key to not stalling is keeping your energy up. Lose your energy, and you'll drop like a rock. Something to try would be to fly in a TB-3 to get the feel of it, then work your way down to a stall-fest like the P-40.

My .02
tb3 flies very nicely i was messing around in a game and its fun VERY STRONG strangely the guy i was playing could shoot me down when i had a 109 and mustang but he couldnt bring down the tb3 i even managed to shoot him down using the guns a few times
The best bomber is the "B-29" it drop the "1st aerial nukes" I'm having a jolly good vecation in the philippines
Did anyone else know that a Dehavilland Mosquito (a smaller plane made of wood) could carry the same bomb load as a B-17? and still outrun anything else in the sky? now THATS impressive
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