IF the 109E stalled in level flight, engine off, at 74mph, the Cl would be 2.32, which is ridiculously high. At 84mph for the 109K4 the CL would be 2.4, an even higher number! Sorry, but those numbers just don't fly. (pardon the pun)
Ha! They certainly fly better than the 2.32 Clmax for the Spitfire !!
PS: As already explained a Clmax of 2+ isn't unormal at landing speeds as the prop accelerated air much faster over the wing than freestream leading the Cl estimation to be higher.
Therefore, I repeat, we can't use stalling speeds as a reference here as it depends on two factors, 1) the Clmax freestream 2) the thrust provided by the prop. Thus you need the freestream figures for comparisons, and as explained the Clmax for the different a/c are as follows:
Bf-109F/G K: 1.70
Ta-152H: 1.62
FW-190: 1.58
P-51: 1.35 (According to NACA)
Spitfire: 1.36