Best Nightfighter of WW2

Best Nightfigher of WW2

  • Northrop Blackwidow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mosquito

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Beaufighter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Corsair

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ME110

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JU88

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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There is no doubt in my mind (or the mind of anyone who knows what they're talking about - except Kiwi cos he always argues with me out of principle) that by far the best night fighter of WW2 was the DH Mosquito
Mosquito all the way, but what I want to know is how on Earth the Corsair is in there (used as a nightfighter mainly during the Korean War), and the Heinkel He 219 'Uhu' has been left out???
F4U-2 was a dedicated night fighter variant, the first night fighters in the Solomons and other parts of the Pacific, also operated from carriers along with F6F-3Es IIRC.
really - ok, well maybe it participated more than I thought, but surely the He 219 would still beat it in a best nightfighter list!?!
The He219 was an excellent night fighter that came almost too late in the war to make much difference. I voted JU88, unlike the Mosquito, the Junkers began life as a bomber and it was developed into perhaps the best multi-role aircraft of WW2.

The Me110 was also a very good nightfighter, for all the reasons that made it a BAD day fighter, it was stable, easy to fly and largely without vices. As for the Corsair, no thank you!, I would never fly a single-engined night fighter.

FVS Kiwimac
Actually, the He 219 made it in time to start operations on the night of June 11th/12th 1943, when the first operational 'Uhu' destroyed five British Lancasters in the one sortie. I personally wouldnt call mid-1943 'too late to make a difference'... It was the fact that Erhard Milch insisted on cancelling the project in favour of the less-than-promising Ju 388 and Ta 154 projects that only a few were built - and for that reason the Uhu was unable to make a big impact on the war.

kiwimac said:
unlike the Mosquito, the Junkers began life as a bomber and it was developed into perhaps the best multi-role aircraft of WW2.

Which one of these criteria are you referring to when you say 'unlike the Mosquito'? All of these apply just as well to the Mosquito as the Ju 88. It began life/ was designed and built as a high-speed unarmed bomber, but was found to handle so well, be so manoeuvrable and so fast that it was soon adapted to fulfill any number of other roles. During it's operational career the Mossie served as a bomber (you could even say 'heavy' bomber - late Mosquitoes could carry heavier loads than a B-17, but with 1/5 the crew at almost twice the speed and the same range), PR bird (the best available to the allies 'til jets turned up), fighter, fighter-bomber, night-fighter, intruder, heavy strike/ anti-shipping fighter (Fb XVIII 'Tsetse'), target-tug, trainer, glider-tug, VIP transport, BOAC airliner (flying the very dangerous runs to Sweden to pick up loads which included escaped airmen and political prisoners etc.), and I'm sure I've missed a few as well. Christ, it was even cleared for carrier operations(!), and a special squadron of 'Highball' Mosquitoes was preparing to ship to the Far East for carrier operations against the IJN when Germany surrendered and it was deemed unnecessary, now that the British Atlantic and Mediterranean Fleets were free to take part in the Pacific campaign. What's more, it excelled in all of these roles, whereas the Ju 88 never really did make the grade as a day fighter...

In short, I challenge you to think up a role which the Ju 88 took up, but the Mosquito did/ could not. (Please, God, don't let him think of one I've missed...! )

I fully agree with your assessment of the Bf 110G and Corsair night-fighters though...
Damn! Git! You had to go think of something didn't you?! I dunno though - Mosquitoes from 105 Sqn did develop a technique for releasing bombs in a medium dive...

I'm pretty sure Milch was still alive, yes, because he was one of the people who's arrogance caused Ernst Udet to commit suicide on November 17th 1941. Are you thinking of Werner Molders, who was killed in a flying accident on the way to Udet's funeral?

PS. the Beaufighter was a damn fine nightfighter - even though it was totally overshadowed by the best of them all ('ave a guess! ), it was still, in my opinion, superior to the Bf 110.
i would say black widow,a plane that was made for night fighting,the aprearance is even offensive,big, but fast
the he-219 was pig ugly, no wonder they only flew it at night, the pilots wouldn't be seen dead flying it in the daytime, but i vote the mosquito.............
Yes the Mossie was nice, I would like the Ju-88, but the P-61, Black Widdow, that was created for the night and the needs of the Pacific theature. Speed, Range, Power, it was just great!
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