BMW 507

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jun 15, 2005
Deep in suburban Surrey
The BMW 507 was a classic 1950s sports car designed to compete with Mercedes and Jaguar.

The 507 first appeared in 1955 and used the 3 litre V8 engine from the 502 saloon.

It was expensive to manufacture though, and the price was high, but celebrity owners included John Surtees, Elvis Presley, Ursula Andress, and Bernie Ecclestone.

There are 202 BMW 507s left in the world, and they attract many hundreds of thousands of dollars when they do come up for sale.






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That is a very cool looking sports car...I can almost picture myself dressed like one of the Rat Pack behind the wheel, my tie loosened up a bit, a smoke dangling from my smiling lips as the wife fusses at me for driving so fast that he scarf just blew off and she nearly lost her big "Jackie-O" type sunglasses. I just chuckle; mumble something like "Sure baby" and pop it into 5th gear as we hit the open highway.

Ahem..Oh, well..I have probably been at work too long and should go home soon. :)
Thaks Clave...Derek

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