I was actually refering to baseball, as he is an American and we don't want to over complicate things.
I hate cricket anyway, it's so boring. Then again Baseball is boring to watch.
PPS. The six .303" Brownings were removed from all Coastal Comand Beaus to provide space for extra fuel (I doubt if they'd have much effect against surface vessels anyway), but the Mk X's cannon ammunition loadout was increased to compensate. They also had a Vickers machine gune added in the dorsal cupola.
The TF.X could carry One 18"/ 1,605 (728 kg) or 22.5"/ 2,127 lb (954 kg) torpedo.
Torbeaus attack:
(see, no wing guns...)
[Pictures obtained from various sites, copyright Australian Archives]
I've got that pic in a book too. It maybe the same book since the caption in mine calls it a staged photo. It is hard to say anything about it since the photo shows so little, but pictures like that were often staged.
It's not as if rockets were that expensive. And you had to train with them sometime. That pic could be of a training flight or even of a trial to see how the rockets would perform.
Stability - the early Mk Is were unstable in flight 'cos they had horizontal tailplanes. They tried lots of antidotes including a '110 style twin tail, a movable tailplane (no elevators - whole unit tilts) and a 'butterfly' tail (I think), and then found that this dihedral arrangement solved the problem perfectly.
They also added the extended dorsal fin to improve stability. That was one reason the Merlin-powered version wasn't successful, it actually increased the swinging problem.
Yeah - they used a few Mk IIs (I think the Merlin version was the Mk II?) for home defence, but the performance difference wasn't too great either, as well as the stability problems.
It was the Mk.II. I think the speed improved slightly but not enough to accept the added instability. Take-offs were supposed to have been rather hairy.