Can You Believe Someone Has One of These To Fly For Fun?

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The Pima Air Museum has an F-107.
Yeah, back around 1978 a USAF officer was trying to get permission to put that airplane back in the air. And a friend of mine had bought the YJ-75 engine from that airplane and had it in his storage yard; after he died it was sold for scrap.
I worked on the F-105. I would not want one except possibly as a lawn ornament on a large estate. I never worked on the F-102, which might explain why I would want one.
Well, obviously you would pay other people to work on your own personal flying F-105.
Why exactly would you not want your own personal F-105, the coolest cold war combat aircraft of them all?
How would the latest Super Sabre do against other single engine nose breathers? Like the MiG-21, Chengdu J-7, Sukhoi Su-9, and Dassault Super Mystère. The MiG-21 and J-7 have radar, but the Sabre has the better missiles.
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