F-15EX Can Hit Mach 2.9

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
From Avweb:

"A Boeing F-15EX can reach nearly Mach 3 in controlled flight in a "clean" configuration, meaning no external pylons, munitions or sensors, Boeing's program manager said Feb. 21 at the Singapore Airshow.

"Yeah, it's fast," said Boeing's Rob Novotny, a former U.S. Air Force F-15 test pilot.

Specifically, the not-to-exceed speed of the twin-engined fighter is about Mach 2.9, or about 2,225 mph at sea level, Novotny said. That puts the top speed of the Eagle II within about 80 mph of Mach 3, a speed only a few aircraft powered by gas turbines have achieved.
That does not mean an F-15EX is going to approach the Mach 3.2 top speed of the retired Lockheed SR-71 in combat, however, he added.

"Remember, we're testing when it's clean," Novotny said. "So it's not carrying a bunch of stuff on it. And in that airshow configuration, with the two big GE [F110-GE-]229 engines, it's putting out 29,500 pounds of thrust per side."

The Soviet MiG-25—a threat that inspired the requirements for the original F-15 design—could achieve speeds in controlled flight up to Mach 2.8, but reportedly could not go faster due to the thermal limits of the jet engines. The F-15EX may have similar limitations above Mach 2.9.
"That's why I don't think we can get much higher," Novotny said.

In combat conditions, the speed of the F-15 will be dictated by the equipment that it is carrying. A Raytheon AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM), for example, is not rated for speeds over Mach 1.2.

"That will be the limiting factor on this plane: the stores speed limitation, not the plane itself," he said.
Yeah challenge Americans to a drag race.....

Boy . Saddle up, you are in for a ride.

I have seen vw Beetles going in light speed just because some gearhead got annoyed by ..i dont know... some one beeping at a traffic stop.

Us .. we.. in the the old countries always build in a few corners.
We like an ace in the sleeve.
God help us if the yanks got interested in corners.
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