Hi my grandma of 98 recently passed away and found this while clearing her house could anyone please help identify it?there are no markings on the base of the casing its smooth it measures 22mm diameter and the blue bullet 20mm in diameter and 3 inches in length!
Yup, blue is standard, in the US anyway, for a dummy or practice round. GENERALLY speaking it PROBABLY does not contain any explosive powder. Often sand is loaded to simulate weight. BUT...
Hi my grandma of 98 recently passed away and found this while clearing her house could anyone please help identify it?there are no markings on the base of the casing its smooth it measures 22mm diameter and the blue bullet 20mm in diameter and 3 inches in length!
And the 'nipple' inside the anulas, instead of a striker cap, indicates that it is an inert, 'drill' round. Date somewhere between mid 1950's to present day.