Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise

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You have several types of hoaxes...

One type is, that you have a true story and the rest is a fake.
Like with the attack on nuclear facilitis in Syria...

Yes, there was a sub, there was the Kitty Hawk...

But something like this...
One Nato figure said the effect was "as big a shock as the Russians launching Sputnik" - a reference to the Soviet Union's first orbiting satellite in 1957 which marked the start of the space age.

Is this true or just only a fake?
I think we should stay on important points, and the only important point is:
did the 'yellow submarine' actually surfaced undetected in a potentially dangerous situation?

If not, there is nothing worth our time.
If yes, we can speculate about how it happened:
-because of negligent behavior of the escort?
-because of a bravado kissed by sheer luck?
-because the Chinese has developed tactics or technology that can fool our defenses?
- ......

To me, it looks more a combination of the first 2 reasons.

The article that confirmed it was quite some time ago. That I can not tell you.
did the 'yellow submarine' actually surfaced undetected in a potentially dangerous situation?

If not, there is nothing worth our time.


The fact that a sub made it through a screen of sub hunters is a HUGE deal. Their intent didn't have to be malicious.

I cant be so dismissive of a potential enemy.


here's a thought. I read that active sonar pinging has been greatly curtailed because researchers believe that the sonar pulses are killing ocean going mammals like whales and dolphins.

In time of conflict, I'm sure the USN would be pinging in active mode... I doubt the Chinese sub could have escaped that.


Very true. I did not think of that.
Hmm, I had heard that bit before about the whales and such. I hope that's it, if active sonar missed them then something is very wrong.

The fact that a sub made it through a screen of sub hunters is a HUGE deal. Their intent didn't have to be malicious.

I cant be so dismissive of a potential enemy.


Guess there is a misunderstanding here...

If you re-read my post it should be clear that my concept was "if this is a hoax, then it's not worth to discuss it.
If it is true, then it is worth to understand why it happened"

no dismissal...
Didn't I read somewhere that the new supersonic Sizzler antiship missle made by the Russians have made aircraft carriers obsolete?
Didn't I read somewhere that the new supersonic Sizzler antiship missle made by the Russians have made aircraft carriers obsolete?

No more than any other cruise missile.

A coordinated attack is the key to taking out a Carrier group. The defenses are formidable so the have to be overwhelmed.

I'd be more afraid of a fleet of Bear Bombers at extremely long range launching dozens of missiles suplimented by a number of subs launching missiles and perhaps torpedoes.

Chinese Defence Today - 3M-54E (SS-N-27) Anti-Ship Cruise Missile


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