Condor Legion Me-109 6*88

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Hello Rob,

I am the owner of this original photo that I can scan in any resolution for you; I am in time for a skin piece of 6-88 😇??
I also have a portrait of his last LC pilot

Best regards


  • reents.jpg
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  • 6-88_jfi - copia.jpg
    6-88_jfi - copia.jpg
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Hello Rob,

I am the owner of this original photo that I can scan in any resolution for you; I am in time for a skin piece of 6-88 😇??
I also have a portrait of his last LC pilot

Best regards
Hello Fran,

That is a much better photo of Hauptman Reents than we currently have. I would be very interested in a high-resolution scan of that.

I have seen the photo of 6*88 that you have in books, but very low resolution. I would also be interested in a better scan of that photo, as it looks like you actually have the original.

These photos are definitely worth an original piece of the plane. I will PM you to make arrangements.


Hello Fran,

We are still very interested in the scans of the photos you posted above. I brought some nice pieces of the aircraft home with me last trip, so we are all set to send them to you.


Hi Everyone,

I need some help figuring out an entry from one of the pilot log books for 6-88. Siebolt Reents claimed one victory during the Spanish Civil War, claiming to have downed a "Curtiss" during a sortie. There were no Curtiss aircraft on either side during the War, so this is a little puzzling. I recently read something from an author who claimed that this was a common mistake made by Nationalist or Condor Legion pilots who confused the Grumman G-23 for a "Curtiss". I have been unable to find that article again and would like to reference it. I know this is the photos forum, but none of the other forums seemed to neatly fit this question. I thought maybe one of you could at least point me to the correct forum.



PS-- Der Flieger, I have a piece of the aircraft waiting for you, I just need your shipping address. I tried PM but I got no response.
I found the following entry on Wikipedia article about the Polikarpov I-15:

"The I-15 was used extensively in combat by the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and proved to be one of the best fighter biplanes of its time. The Nationalists called the fighter "Curtiss", apparently believing it to be the Curtiss F11C Goshawk."

Possibly this is what I read, but I thought whatever I read discussed the Grumman, not the Polikarpov.


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