Could Sweden have produced the Bf 109 under license?

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Please note the dates at which the DB 605 engined aircraft went into service or production versions were first delivered.

Dec of 1945 for the J21 after the protoype flew in July of 1943.

THe First production SAAB 18 flies with Swedish R 1830s in Sept of 1943 but it is Oct of 1945 before the first SAAB 18 with DB 605 engines is delievered.

I have never said the Swedes couldn't or didn't make DB 605s, the question is when?

If Clays question is why didn't they make 109s in 1945-48 I would say they figured they had something better.
IF the question is why didn't they make them in 1942-43 I would say it was becasue they couldn't get/make the engines at that time in addition to any political questions.
Just how many DB 605s did the Italians Get from Germany for their fighters and they were allies not a "neutral" country :)
So I'm saying that if they couldn't do inline engines, a Zero with an R-1830 should be good enough to give any pilot a fighting chance.

Sorry, I guess this one's my fzult.


Thanks for the info. I didn't realize that airplane flew that late. I thought it was being produced much earlier. yeah, were back to a Zero/Oscar with an R-1830.

The Heinkel He 112 with the Junkers Jumo engine would be the best bet.

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