could the Allison engine have done what the Rolls Royce Merlin did?

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5) I didn't say Merlins were hand-crafted with files in the post above. I also never said Merlins were badly built. They weren't.

When you make the statement:

There was a high degree of commonality of parts throughout the series and individual parts were produced to high degree of standardization and reliability.

It implies that other engines were not, and that the Allison was somehow special.

None of the major engines could have been produced in the numbers they were if they didn't have "a high degree of commonality of parts throughout the series and individual parts were produced to high degree of standardization and reliability."

I don't have a problem with you.

They may be good engines, but in WW2 they were largely an also ran. Relegated to aircraft that would, for the most part, be considered second tier.
1) GE developed the turbocharger at the request of the USAAC/USN, using government money.

I am not sure about that, GE was testing turbo superchargers at the end of WW I, not sure if they had a gov contract or not. The Gov sure ordered a number of turbo units from GE during the 20s and 30s.

The Merlin was privately developed during the Schneider cup races.
only in the most indirect manner, the races were over with England winning the cup before the Merlin ever got off paper,

You know the first Merlin (PV-12) used technology directly from the Rolls Royce Type R engine.
It may have but since the Merlin used a different bore and stroke, different cylinder spacing and a few other things it might also be fair to say it was a scaled up Kestrel, how much it really owes to either engine is subject to question as the first few PV-12/Merlins tended to bounce back and forth on construction features.

You say the XP-39 was a turd. Many in here have said that. But I have yet to see ONE shred of proof from a flight test that backs it up.
Trouble is no one can find ONE shred of proof from a flight test that proves it wasn't a turd in it's original form. No one can find the flight test (or the name of the pilot) for when it went 390mph, no one can find the documentation that it actually climbed to 20,000ft in 5 minutes.
We do know that arrangements were being made to ship it to Langley within 4 weeks of first flight.
We do know that early ground running, taxi tests and early flights were plagued with over heating.
We do know that due to a suspected drive shaft problem, for which Allison designed and built a new drive shaft, that the XP-39 was not cleared to use more than 2600rpm during the time before it was sent to Langley making any high performance flights highly unlikely.
We do know that General Arnold was making at least 6 recommendations for modifications to improve performance before the XP-39 ever got to Langley. Some were never implemented, like the suggestion to change to manually operated flaps. Another recommendation was a significant reduction in fuel capacity. Indications that the XP-39 was overweight? Which documentation does show.

this is for the XP-39 with turbo, no one is saying the later P-39s were anywhere near as bad. But the cry that Langley and the NACA ruined the Airacobra doesn't hold up. Larry Bell and his engineers had done that already, Langley and the NACA saved Bell's ass and allowed him to build a fighter that did contribute to the allied war effort.
I don't know what type tests in the US the Merlin passed. I suspect the Merlin did not have to complete that test because it was a Rolls-Royce design that passed UK type tests.
One of the first Packard Merlin failed to pass it's type test. The US type test was 150 hours, the British test was 100 hours, there were a few other differences. The Merlin failed betten 100 hours and 150 hours. some where there are details. While the Allison had passed a type test back in 1936/37? it was a rather different engine than the C series engine used in the Tomahawks (which actually failed multiple times before getting sorted out. Part of the problem was the test stand failed to dampen any vibration like an actual aircraft frame would), Every version had to pass either a type test or a model test, you can't make a major change (like stick the P-39 extension shaft on the front) without doing another test. Any change in engine power rating needs another test. Change crankshaft? another test, the government is not going to take Allisons word (or any other companies word) that the new crankshaft is better than the old one.
It took months to get the -93 Allison used in the P-63 through it's test.
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Who is manufacturing all these Allison's? The Allison wasn't produced in serious quantaties until 1941
Deliveries of V-1710
1939 0
1940 1149
1041 6409

As far as Allied engines go the Merlin was pretty much the only game in town for the first part of the war. If the Battle of Britain was fought with American equipment it would have been P-35s and 36s. And even P-26 s.
Who is manufacturing all these Allison's? The Allison wasn't produced in serious quantaties until 1941
Deliveries of V-1710
1939 0
1940 1149
1041 6409

Allison did the manufacturing of V-1710s, with some GM-owned parts' supplies (Cadillac, for example).

As far as Allied engines go the Merlin was pretty much the only game in town for the first part of the war. If the Battle of Britain was fought with American equipment it would have been P-35s and 36s. And even P-26 s.

American 'early war' and British 'early war' were not the same thing.
"Could the Allison have done what the Merlin did?" was the question. The answer is no. It could not have fought the Battle of Britain.

Why resort to pulling things out of context? Here is what OP was asking, I've bolded actual questions:

Nowhere in the OP is required that V-1710 takes part in the BoB, the actual questions are about why the V-1710 was lacking the power at high altitudes etc, unlike what Merlin did.
And the answer is that there was nothing wrong with engine, it was the supercharger setups that were lacking. A Merlin III would have nearly useless over Germany at 25000ft in late 1943/44.
There were more issues than the poor supercharging.
In late 1943 early 1944 the V 1710 had severe oil consumption problems at altitudes over 20,000 feet. Freeman mentions this in his books and Whitney discuses it in Vee for Victory. The problem was severe enough that the MTO command was recommending substituting V1710-55/56 for -89/91 In their F-5Bs. Whitney states that it was solved later in the year.
Improved supercharging still does not solve the excessive pressure losses and fuel distribution problems caused by the very poor intake manifold design. The "Madame Queen" intake Venturi is literally a second carburetor required to suck up the fuel that collected in the intake and reintroduce it into the airstream. This is a further cost in pressure loss. No other engine required this fix.
As pointed out by Jerry Wells in his article in the Torque Meter the single block Merlins were significantly different from the later engines. He went so far as to dub the earlier engines as Super Kestrels. He also points out the the V-1710, like the early Merlins, is not a true monoblock engine, in that the cylinder liners are not divorced from the crankcase but are subjected to the distortions from the crankcase. He believes this is a limitation on the power that could be produced by the Allison. Note that the trapped flange method of retaining the cylinder liner became the standard for high performance wet sleeve engines after WWII, with the best example being the most successful racing engine of all time the Cosworth DFV.
Some of the V-1710 problems were installation-related, such as many of the problems in the P-38 (this was due to the rather inane assignment of the turbocharger system to the airframe maker, not the engine maker. The same assignment of responsibility caused problems with the AGT1500 installation in the M1 Abrams 30 years later. One would think they would have learned).
Why was the engine have severe oil consumption? major flaw in the engine or something weird going on with the crankcase breathers?
I seem to remember something about cutting the ends of the breather tubes at a different angle solving the problem?
A certain altitude and speed combination almost acting like syphon and sucking oil laden air out of the crankcase?

The "Madame Queen" intake Venturi is literally a second carburetor required to suck up the fuel that collected in the intake and reintroduce it into the airstream. This is a further cost in pressure loss. No other engine required this fix.

There were only two allied V-12s operating at high altitudes that might require such a "fix" as the Madame Queen intake manifold. The radials used much shorter intake pipes and were either individual or paired? so such a device was not needed, Russian engines used a carburetor for every pair of cylinders so again, no long intake manifold to cause problems. Yes the Allison had a problem but you are rather over stating the case.
Problem also showed up when the Allies introduced a new fuel specification. It did two things. It allowed the use of 4.3 cc of lead per gallon instead of the previous 4.0 cc of lead (which had been changed from 3.0ccs of lead) all for 100/130 fuel. It also allowed the increased use of heavier aromatic compounds to blend the fuel than the previous specifications. This allowed for greatly increased output of 100/130 fuel from the same tonnage of crude. It also reduced the volatility of the fuel ( how well it evaporated and stayed evaporated in cool air).
Again, engines with long intake passages are going to be the most affected. Since only two stage engines used intercoolers all single stage engines had pretty hot intake mixtures and rarely ran into problems. Which leaves the Merlin and the Allison, it turns out the Merlin was not immune from this problem. In post war use on transports they ran into a cold mixture problem which was solved by reversing the coolant flow (valves were added to control this) so they actually heated the air in the "intercooler" when cruising at low power settings.
Again this problem was somewhat (but not entirely) supercharger set up dependent. The Turbo Allison being about the only V-12 where the pilot could "select" how much boost was being provided by the turbo and how much was being provided by the engine supercharger. He didn't do this directly (or even knowingly) but by selecting different RPM and throttle settings for the needed power at cruise quite different use was made of the turbo and intercooler system resulting it in a wide variation of possible intake mixture temperatures. A lot of bad "advice" was given to pilots on how to the fly the P-38 which added to the problem, advice that was was in direct contradiction to how Lockheed and Allison were saying the plane should be flown yet Allison gets the blame?
Unfortunately this system also required skilled/knowledge set up and maintenance. It seems the turbo controls were often miss rigged, causing higher than normal speeds and higher pressure/velocity at the carb leading to lean conditions. There was a hydraulic turbo control on the earlier planes with an electric control on the later ones. The early one was rather easy to adjust. the later one took a refit kit.

Again, all of this was "stuff" on the outside of the basic engine. It did greatly affect the reliability of the engine but was not an inherent defect in the basic engine or it's design.
Properly sorted out Allisons were quite capable of running at high power levels for considerable periods of time.

I am not even sure how much was Lockheed's fault. Government comes along and says, "here's your engine, here's your turbos and btw here's your turbo regulator, now you fit them together and make them work".
There were at least two and possibly 3 different turbo regulator setups. 1st on sensed the back pressure in the exhaust duct near the turbine on the turbo and tried to keep that at a certain value. This design philosophy was the Army's, not Lockheed's. This was supposed to by extension (and wishful thinking) maintain a constant pressure (sea level) at the intake to the carburetor. Unfortunately it caused a number of problems, like excessive back pressure, rough running and slow (sometimes non existent) control over the intake pressure. I am not sure if the electric control was the first one to measure the intake pressure and control the exhaust wastegate accordingly or if there was an intermediate step.
The government was supplying the engines, turbos and turbo regulators for the P-43 and P-47, the B-17, the B-24 and the B-29 and other experimentals.
... Langley and the NACA saved Bell's ass and allowed him to build a fighter that did contribute to the allied war effort.
Wonder if Bell's resources could have been better used manufacturing [fill in the blank] under license.

It's certainly a complex question to answer. My experience with military project managers (I worked in the defense industry during the Carter, Reagan, and GHW Bush administrations) was that they wildly varied in competence. Interestingly, high-profile, highly classified programs tended to be worst (find a Sikorsky engineer who worked on the X-wing program. Get [almost certainly] him a little tipsy and ask about how the program was run....). UTTAS -- the program that led to the H-60 series -- was generally considered to be the best run. The others were somewhere between. Interestingly, from when I was at Sikorsky (I was not involved, except very peripherally, with the X-wing. Thank God), the USMC was considered to have the best project offices, although I don't know how they were defining "best."

What was the US Government thinking in not funding a 2 stage supercharger for the V-1710? It would have been relatively risk free.
What was the US Government thinking in not funding a 2 stage supercharger for the V-1710? It would have been relatively risk free.

Its experts in the USAAC didn't ask them to. Somewhere in the War Department, where the civilian leadership is in direct contact with the military leadership, somebody made a decision that turbocharging was the way to go and that efforts to develop two-stage, mechanically driven superchargers were pointless. Whether this decision was made by people in uniforms, civil servants in the War Department, turbo enthusiasts in patronage positions in the Executive Branch (who seemed exclusive to the War Department, so I don't think this is any sort of top-down push from the White House), or heavily lobbied (and possibly bribed) members of the House and Senate (again, it doesn't seem to have existed in the Navy Department, so I don't think it's a push from the legislature) can only be determined by somebody spending a lot of time in archives.

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