Crashed Spitfire part identification

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Feb 5, 2016
I found this part today whilst walking my dog. It was near to the crash site where I have previously found parts from a Spitfire VB P8725.. Does anyone recognise the part. I think it is a hose fitting and part of the casting of the Rolls Royce Merlin engine? The brass castellated nut has a part number E38774 and an inspectors stamp.
Regards Danny Jones


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Yes, E38774 is a part number for a coolant connection on some RR Merlin engines, probably on the pipework feeding the cylinderbank connections. Unfortunately, I do not have a parts manual for the 45/46 etc series that would have been on a Spit V, and the later info I have shows that part E.38774 was superseded by RR Merlin mod.2157.

Thank you very much for taking time to reply to my post.I will keep the fitting with the other finds from the Spitfire that I have found on previous occasions.Your knowledge of the Merlin engine is amazing. Do you work on them ? Best regards Danny.
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Hi I have researched the loss of Spitfire P8725 and have visited the pilot Sylwester Jezry Godlewski grave on a couple of occasions. I still walk the crash site with my dog and still regularly find object's on the surface . Recently I found the end of one of the four Haspano 20 mm canons from the wing. which was a nice find.

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