crashes in Tasmania ?

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May 20, 2023
Hi guys, I'm researching WW2 crashes in Tasmania, Australia. Two V-12 engines were found in a gully on an island - no idea what type but would have to be RAAF Mosquito or USAAF P-38.
Think its unlikely two Mustangs or Spitfires collided.

Anyone have RAAF or USAAF listings of lost aircraft in this area ?

thanks, Ray, Tasmanian Aviation Historical Society.
Thanks, I already have those. Hope to go later, when the weather is better, to see if any of Beaufort A9-100 survives. Hopefully "reduced to components" means they salvaged the expensive items & left the rest for the farmers.
The island is Deal Is., it's uninhabited & restricted. A park ranger saw the engines years ago but didn't photograph or even report them. At least one other aircraft crashed there in WW2. I'm surprised at how many aircraft crashed in this remote part of Australia between 1920 & 1980, several haven't been found.
Only crash i see listed on NAA website is Oxford AS618 23/9/43.
There is an undigitalised file listed for the Lightstation Logbook held in Hobart which has a map of the crash site. May be worthwile checking for the wartime log books.

It is possile that there are unrecorded crashes.
youd need a picture for ID mate,

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