Deconstructing the Norden bombsight myth

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
If this isn't the right spot could a Mod please move it. This is a 150pg. thesis put forward from UVic. I don't claim its right or wrong, I just post the stuff, ya know?


  • Deconstructing the Myth of the Norden Bombsight.pdf
    494.5 KB · Views: 605
An interesting article. I would suggest reading one of the books he mentions, 'America's Pursuit of Precision Bombing,1910-1945' by Stephen MacFarland (ISBN 978 0 8173 5503 6) for a balanced and in depth view of the development of US bombing doctrine and the bomb sights, including the Norden, which had such a profound influence on it.

'Fundamental reading for any reasoned look at American bombing in World War II' according to the Journal of American History, which might be slightly over egging the pudding, but you get the idea.

You might find a paperback copy at a reasonable price!


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Hello Fubar57,
I skimmed through the document and my conclusion is that this fellow is only discussing opinions of others and really does not know much about the actual Norden Bomb Sight. He seems to have done an awful lot of reading but either isn't very good at research or doesn't really understand his subject.
He mention the Luftwaffe "Lothfe" bombsights but they really should be "Lotfe" for Lotfernrohr sights as manufactured by Zeiss.
I think Stona's advice is pretty good. Read some of he references cited in this document if you are really interested in the subject.

A quicker approach (mine) was to just watch a few of the Training Films for the NBS.
I wanted to understand what the device actually did.



Fairly complicated and very dependent on the operator's skill in matching rates.

- Ivan.

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